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The Journey of Water

A novel by Katherine Davies 

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Hello! I'm Katherine Davies, a writer inspired by nature and the heart of life. 

Latest: A poem I wrote after a visit to Ukraine was selected for an e-zine collection (link: poem & audio). Currently writing a screenplay set largely in Ukraine. 

Earlier this year, my first novel, The Journey of Water, was recommended to readers by Kirkus, the trusted name in book discovery, with a rarely awarded Kirkus Star. (Warning: The Kirkus review reveals storyline details, while the description on Amazon gives a flavor without the reveal.)

Thank you for visiting! 


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Enjoy the opening of the novel, read by the author
(now available as e-book, hard cover and audiobook)


In The Journey of Water, a woman lost in mid-life, 10,000 miles from home, walks out the door, unhooks in nature, and keeps on walking, in a remarkable adventure that transforms her understanding of what it means to be alive. 


Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul:

"The Journey of Water is a deep dive into one woman's pilgrimage of discovery. Katherine Davies' beautifully written book
offers a compelling story that enthralls and delights while delivering powerful wisdom that leaves a lasting impression.
This book is not to be missed."


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